5 Reasons Patio Screen Doors Will Improve Your Home

November 14th, 2019
outdoor patio with hanging lights and sliding doors

Patio screen doors are the go-to feature door for those wanting to allow natural light and air into their home without having to deal with the bugs. Often forgotten about or an afterthought on homes, so we wanted to write a short article on how we think patio screen doors can help improve your home.

  1. Security

It goes without saying but having a secure home helps you to sleep easier at night. Typically, these patio screens doors are built to last and are a great deterrent against unwanted guests. It’s an extra level of security for your home. These doors can be customized to not only be secure but also to suit the design and flow of your home.

  1. Pests

Mosquitoes, flies, spiders, insects, creepy crawlers, and more. We always wonder how they get into the house and they always manage to work their way in! In the summer months when the heat is in, pests are at an all-time high, the great equalizer is the screen patio door. It’s a great preventative to this is screen doors. Screen doors allow you to bring natural light and air in without the pests coming in.

  1. Safety

This falls in line with security but from a safety perspective if intruders cannot come in, neither can much go out. If you’re looking for a way to keep your children and pets safe inside, a screen door will make sure they stay inside + make sure the outside doesn’t come in.

  1. Ventilation

On those summer nights when you want the cool air coming in to cool down the house, a screen door will allow you to keep the door open whilst the cool air comes in, to give you the extra safety and security that no one can break in whilst you sleep. Allowing your doors to be open with the screen door to be closed during the day and night, will mean you get the ventilation as you require it without pests or intruders coming in.

  1. Custom

Patio screen doors can be customised to suit your home. There are plenty of companies that specialise in customised doors and they will also help you choose the right patio screen door rollers to make sure your doors open with ease. Having the right sliding door roller suppliers will enable your custom door to move effortlessly and with little to no sound.

Aside from the above, your patio screen doors can be easily customised to suit the style of your home. It’s often thought that screen doors can be quite bulky and hard to fit in with your style. These patio screen doors can be hinged or sliding. We think sliding gives you more options, but this does come down to your home and the space you have. These screen doors can be totally customised to whatever you need, and guess what, if you have pets, you can even customise your screen doors so they can come in and out without you having to manually open and close the door.

Patio screen doors have come a long way and should be on your shopping list when renovating or designing your home.

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